sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2015


In europe, especially in the 19th century the type of governments were in constantly change. Great Britain always keep the monarchy as well, but examples like France that change monarchy for republic and return to the first one again, they where the perfect example of changes. Germany as well get unified and keept the way of government of prussia. Russia keept the Czar system wich was an authoritarian government. But even the differences betwen them they share something, the neccesity of expand their empires for economic and political reasons, occuping colonies all around the world, this thinking began to be known as Imperialism.

Many countries all around the world, particulary in Asia and Africa suffer extraterritoriality, wich means that foreigns apply their own laws but in another country.

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

Most important imperialist countries in Europe

Characteristics of Imperialism

Imperialism is a type of governments that is applied by great empires over other countries with less militar or political power. Something that this oppressed countries hve in common is that almost the 40% of the population became slaves, the taxes rised and foreign settlers absorb all the power. But also some good things happen, the country start advancing in industry, the economy develop, the eduaction began to be implemented and the commerce raise.

In this countries the people start to grow in nationalis sentiments of Independence and unification so we can say that not all the things that foreigns bring to this nations are bad, but in long terms things began to be worst in some cases, for example in Africa we can see tht slavery continue and even more violation to human rights joined with government corruption. But there are cases like India that the country develop the economy at the level of a great power, but even in India slavery, starvation and crisis are actual problems.

5 reasons that allowed European countries to become great empires.

1-     The unification of some countries not only in territory but in keeping the same type of government, so the culture and traditions keept strong the people sentiment of nationalism.
2-     All of them were looking for more power in taking decisions and in forming allies, especially the ones in their colonizated territories..
3-     They were looking for economic growth, so the imperialism principles that they adopt make them expand their empires to other continents.
4-     All of them were trying to find a type of government in which monarchs and a parliament worked together.
5-     They worked together to defend what was theirs and to protect the unity of Europe, as their influence in the intercontinetal colonies, in wich they imposse their laws.

Consequences of European Capitalism

European imperialism expand ideas of industry, innovation and even freedom around the world, they share materials that doesn't exist in all the world, even weapons and technology. Imperialism also help slavery index grow and starvation too, it show to the world that a great power can oppress the people, but the people fighting in their land can be free.

Actuall effects that imperialism caused is the compound cultures, when an empire led its culture to their colonies new generations may adopt both cultures and suppress the dialects to adopt the great idioms too. The globalization was the final result of the transmission of cultures, knowledge and the industry.

Characteristics of the Imperialist countries

The concentration of production and capital has developed to such a high stage that it has created monopolies which play a decisive role in economic life, the merging of bank capital with industrial capital, and the creation, on the basis of this ‘finance capital’, of a financial oligarchy, the export of capital as distinguished from the export of commodities acquires exceptional importance, the formation of international monopolist capitalist associations which share the world among themselves, and the territorial division of the whole world among the biggest capitalist powers is completed.
·      Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, and Idaho.
·      German Southwest (Namibia)
·      German East Africa (now part of Tanzania)
·      Cameroon
·      Togo

In the imperialism, democracy is absent because it relies on kings and emperors, so no one has voice or vote in the countries’ decisions. For example, the imperialist bourgeoisie struggled to re-divide markets again and again on the one hand, and compromised for the common interests of imperialism, on the other