jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

Characteristics of Imperialism

Imperialism is a type of governments that is applied by great empires over other countries with less militar or political power. Something that this oppressed countries hve in common is that almost the 40% of the population became slaves, the taxes rised and foreign settlers absorb all the power. But also some good things happen, the country start advancing in industry, the economy develop, the eduaction began to be implemented and the commerce raise.

In this countries the people start to grow in nationalis sentiments of Independence and unification so we can say that not all the things that foreigns bring to this nations are bad, but in long terms things began to be worst in some cases, for example in Africa we can see tht slavery continue and even more violation to human rights joined with government corruption. But there are cases like India that the country develop the economy at the level of a great power, but even in India slavery, starvation and crisis are actual problems.

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